You Are God's Gift to You!

alignment Jun 26, 2020

You ARE God's Gift To You

It is a powerful process to discover and recount your uniqueness with God. It can be worshipful, intimate and illuminating. It helps lay a foundation for security and bold steps into your unique future!

Check Out the Video: Your Are God's Gift to You

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My First Memory of Encountering God


Often our early encounters with God are somewhat unorthodox. That's because God doesn't really fit in a box - He reveals Himself to us in unique ways. Taking time to reflect over our early experiences of God can be very fruitful - we may see how He was working and drawing us to Himself far earlier and more profoundly than we realized.

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A Positive Mindset Overcomes Challenges


A positive mindset is required to have a productive and satisfying life. We are tempted to seek deliverance from our troubles in all the wrong places. We need, however, to be rooted and aligned in our Design, Placement and Purpose. If we are aligned, we can positively stand and move ahead into our mountain of destiny.

A 25-Minute Teaching

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Expand Your Capacity to Be With God


God wants to be with you in increasingly deep and meaningful ways.

You can Be With Him more tangibly and significantly.  It starts with you wanting to be with Him ... or at least wanting to want to be with Him.

If you look for the Lord (Psalm 105:4), you will find Him.  "You will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13).

A few tools or springboards to the process of Being With God are ...

* Scripture ... 2 Timothy 3:16

* Prayer ... beyond petitioning, beyond intercession, into communion

* Stillness and Silence ... simply being with Him without demand

* Waiting Upon the Lord ... deepening and growing in faith, as we hope in Him

Do you Want to Want to Be With God? 
Which one of the above disciplines is being highlighted within you right now?

What might be a good plan/step to exercise the particular discipline which God may be using to invite you deeper into His presence.

~ Coach Tonm

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Who Do You Think You Are?

identity purpose Apr 06, 2020

Often the expression, "Who do you think you are?" is thrown at us as a challenge or taunt.  You may have heard it on the playground, or in the classroom.  Possibly your parents spoke it to you as a way to get you to stand down - to get a handle on yourself - and to fall inline

The enemy of your souls will also taunt you with this kind of expression whenever you are growing, taking positive action or moving into his space.  He taunted Adam and Eve with such thoughts ... and he used them against Jesus too.

It is hugely important for you to get a clear sense of who you are - your design and your identity.  Who you are - or at least your sense of it - will become the foundation for most of the major decisions and steps of your life.

Take time to Get Clear - it will save you a great deal of time along the way.

~ Coach Tom

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What's Your Prayer, What's Your Plan, What's Your Play?

plan pray prioritize Mar 23, 2020
  • Learn to Discern - what God wants you to pray and live into.
  • Prioritize Your Options - priorities help you make decisions.
  • Schedule what you want to do and compartmentalize so you don't get distracted.  Once have had decided what you want/need to do - make plans and do it.  At that point keep your eyes on the small picture ... doing what you need to do.

~ Coach Tom

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Core Challenges Require Core Responses


We often experience Core Challenges until we develop the Right Responses. 

The challenges - or tests - may be repeated again and again until we are finally able to address and/or overcome them. 

Now is the time to choose your Key Intentional Responses to the challenges that you have left hanging.

~ Coach Tom

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It's Time for Slow Motion

action motion preparation Mar 13, 2020

Every Season has its own purpose - and appropriate actions.

James Clear, in his book, Atomic Habits refers to two kinds of purpose.

Motion: is a time that refers to learning, gathering information or contacts, organizing, preparing and planning.

Action: is a time that refers to behaviors that produce outcomes or results.

Often people get the purposes of what they are doing confused.  Sometimes they think they are getting things done when they are only in motion.  And sometimes people try to take on action without necessary preparation.

As you consider this season, I encourage you that this is a time for motion.  Do what you can to deepen, clarify and prepare for the next season of your life that will unfold soon enough.

~ Coach Tom

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Three Wisdom Centers - Source Real Growth

gut head heart wisdom Feb 20, 2020

Wisdom is important.

It is the application of knowledge/understanding that comes from our Head, Heart and/or Gut. 

Here is a short (and a little shaky) video that speaks of relating to God, self and others through awareness of your Three Centers.

Let's all continue to grow in wisdom not just in age!

~ Coach Tom

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You Can "Blow It Up" Right Where You Are

placement plan purpose roles Dec 20, 2019

I walked into a friend’s office and I was surprised to see a large handwritten calendar on his wall that he used to scratch out each day as it passed.  He was using it (publicly I might add) to count down the days till he left his job.  He was using the calendar as one might if they were a castaway on a desert island, waiting to be delivered from their isolation, or as a prisoner counting out the days left on her sentence.

Maybe you aren’t as blatantly crossing off your days, but you may feel like your weeks are somewhat purposeless, meaningless or boring.  You may feel like you are passing your time more than living your life.

Today, I want to help you to lift your eyes … right where you are … to see your life from a totally different, life-changing vantage point.  Are you ready for a life-upgrade?

Recognize that you have been placed in your exact location.

This may seem strange to you, but God has placed you in your spot, you...

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