How Are You Doing?

“How are you? … I hope all is well.”  This is the kind of greeting many of us write to those we have not been in touch with for a while.  It’s a very general and surface approach.  When in person, however, we may want to go deeper.  Unfortunately, oftentimes people are not very aware of how they are doing and aren’t inclined to answer very deeply.  When you ask most people how they are doing, they may describe what’s going on around them – their circumstances.  If you press in a little further, they might describe how they feel about their circumstances and what they are trying to do about them.  Few people seem to take stock of how they are doing below/beyond their circumstances.  Yet, our lives are deeper than what is happening around us.

Our circumstances will change.  Sometimes great things will happen and sometimes horrendous things will happen.  Sometimes life seems very routine. ...

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