It’s Time to Grow Up

If you pay attention to media you’ve undoubtedly noticed that there’s a lot of instability in our cities, our country and in the nations. Some people seem to change their opinions like changing their clothes – almost daily. Others lock-in on their perspectives and try to convince everyone to agree and join them. How about you, are you a wobbler, or are you an immovable object?

In Ephesians 4, the apostle Paul helps us see how to develop and grow in healthy stability. As we learn to serve others according to God's unique enablement we all mature. (Verse 12) Those serving mature through the exercise of service – serving strengthens our inner person. Those who are served benefit from the help they receive. Serving well is a win-win for everyone.

As we mature, we become much less likely to fall for people’s schemes and scams. (verse 14) We no longer look for magic or for others to show us the easy way out. Mature people can recognize the wisdom of God, and...

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How to Behave Like a Good King

When I was very young my older brother and I loved to play King.  We would make card castles, and we would drape blankets over our shoulders.  We’d throw cards at each other’s castles until we eventually destroyed them.  Then we would traipse around with our blanket-trains following us, declaring that we were the conquering kings.

There is something deep inside our beings that loves the idea of kings and kingdoms.

A time is coming when, “the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdom of our Lord and His Messiah, and He will reign forever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15)  Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords; every knee in heaven and on earth and below the earth will bow before Him. (Philippians 2:10)  He is the Benevolent Ruler who gives life, rather than takes it.  He fights to free people, not conquer them.  He is the One who provides for His people, rather than receives provision from them.  His...

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How To Live With One Another

What if God designed us to live in meaningful relationship with others?  What if He wants us to impact and be impacted by each other so that we might be changed and transformed in the process? If this were actually God’s design and plan, how might it affect how we act toward others and how we receive from them?

God has placed the lonely in households (Psalm 68:6), with families, friends, workmates and possibly most importantly in the household of faith. He has made us to have effect on each other. It is as if our souls have been created with permeable membranes that allow overlap and exchange when we come close to each other. We experience the most exchange with those who come closest. Maybe that’s why we can be so irritated by our spouse, family or good friend. It can also explain how we pick up mannerisms, expressions and worldviews from each other.

The New Testament is peppered with verses that describe how we can best relate to “one another.” They...

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Making It Through The Morning After

What do we do after the big day has come and gone? The big day was overwhelming – either for us or for others, or both.   It took all we had, and has left us depleted and empty. The “morning after” the big day is important; it may last for a while, but it starts with a day – and how we handle it matters.


We are tempted to let the feelings of emptiness rob us of who we are and who we are in God.  Remember Elijah, after his biggest day of public confrontation – after his greatest victory – felt like dying. He said to God, “I have had enough, take my life …” (1 Kings 19:4) This is the feeling of “the morning after. Acknowledge it, but don’t give up.


God sent angelic help to Elijah, and He will often do the same for us. The angel seemed to stand by him; he encouraged Elijah to rest and to eat – to take care of himself and be...

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