Fan the Flame

You were uniquely and intentionally created by God. He imagined you and spoke you into being. He breathed His creative life into your mother’s womb, at a specific time, in a specific setting, with specific strengths, abilities and weaknesses. He has seen and overseen your circumstances and promises to bring good out of every situation. He will use hardship as discipline to teach you about Himself, His Kingdom and how life works.

As you love Him, look for Him and learn His ways, He will unlock His ancient paths which have been prepared for you.  God has purposely planted you, and He wants to help you grow; it’s who He is and it’s who you are in Him.  He also wants you to live by the power of His Holy Spirit.

Somehow, when we become believers in Christ we experience a kind of spiritual upgrade. God magnifies our abilities to perceive, experience and express the Kingdom of God. This spiritual expansion is often
accompanied by fillings of the Holy Spirit that...

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Are You Learning and Practicing Your Part(s)?

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “Church”?

If you are like most people, you think of buildings, clergy (professional ministers) rituals and programs. This is the working definition that is deeply embedded not only in our country, but in most places of the world. It has been the way people have thought of church for ages.

How inspiring are those words to you?  Do they feel life-giving and transformational?  Does this description sound or look like what Jesus said or did?

Chapter 4, of the Book of Ephesians, gives us a much richer understanding.  It mentions 5 “Ascension Gifts” or spiritual enablements that Jesus wired into the identity, calling and resources of the church when He ascended to heaven.

 “Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the...

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Live in the Power of God!

gifts kingdom power prophecy Aug 30, 2021

Do you feel like you are getting good traction in your life?

Sometimes we are not gaining ground because we are not aligned with our Design, Placement and Purposes from God.

Click Here: Live in the Power of God

In this podcast, we look at aligning ourselves with God's Gifting.
We particularly focus on the Ascension Gifts (or APEST Gifts) expressed in Ephesians

We look at the purposes of the different gifts.

We look at how each gifting - or manifestation of the Holy Spirit - functions ... what it looks like in real life.

We also consider how we can identify and grow in the expression of these gifts that God has appointed.

The goal is to continue to grow in your own unique expression of God's gifting and fruit, representing Him will and extending His Kingdom in your spheres of influence.

If you'd like to explore this in more depth, listen to my podcast:

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