Today, Bolster Your Identity in the Lord

Is It Time to Refresh Your Identity in the Lord? 

Did you know that the greatest battles in your life aren’t really about your circumstances? At their core, they are battles over your identity. 

From the beginning, the enemy’s strategy has been to attack our identity by distorting our relationship with God. In the Garden, he led Eve to question God’s goodness—painting Him as a liar and a withholder. His goal? To make her feel lacking, inadequate, and disconnected from her true identity. (Genesis 3) 

Fast forward to Jesus in the wilderness, and the enemy used the same tactic. Every temptation—about provision, authority, and significance—was an attack on Jesus’ identity as the Son of God. (Luke 4:1-13) Adam and Eve believed the lie and lost their footing, but Jesus stood firm, choosing to trust His Father completely. 

How Do You Deepen Your Identity in Christ? 

It’s not about pretending to be stronger or more...

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Walk in God’s Power and Strength

Do you want to walk in God’s power and strength, or do you want to go for it in your own strength?  This is a question we must each honestly ask ourselves.  If we want to walk in God, we must learn to positively respond to His commands and directions. We must also be willing to say, “No” to lesser things.

A.W. Tozer gave students at Wheaton College 5 important “Don’ts” that can help strengthen us and prevent “spiritual leakage” in our lives. Let’s take a moment and consider them together.

1. Don't trifle with sin

There is no need to waste our time/lives with things that don’t satisfy and that actually make our spirits sick. Don’t slow down to even play with sin. Keep moving ahead, living full wholesome lives and obeying His positive commands.

 2. Don't steal God's glory

We must not be overly concerned about people’s view of us. If we live well and give proper respect to God’s provision,...

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