What Do You Want?

Some people live to fulfill their wants. It’s as if they were born knowing very clearly what they like, dislike and want. Others find it more difficult to clarify and express their desires. Toward which end of this scale do you lean?

It is unhealthy to be driven by our desires, neglecting the promptings, direction or call of the Lord. It is equally unhealthy for us to be ignorant of the desires God has put within us. It is very important to be aware of our internal desires and learn to bring them to God for His sharpening and supply.

Prayer is the appointed Kingdom means for obtaining what we need. Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8).

Matthew Henry wrote in response to these verses, “Pray; pray often; make a business of prayer, and...

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What Do You Want and How Much Do You Want It?

How can you tell how badly someone wants something? There seem to be two primary indicators. First, how hard are they trying to get what they want?  Second, how long are they willing to keep trying?   How much someone wants something is often a function of both factors – intensity and perseverance.

Once, when I arrived at Logan airport late for my flight, the passion with which I pleaded for mercy and help from the airline administrator indicated that I wanted very badly to be placed on that plane immediately. Passion, intensity and the exertion of energy often indicate deep desire.  Sometimes, however, shear hard work is not enough to get what you want; it requires sustained effort over a long period of time.  Lincoln demonstrated, through his unwillingness to give up after repeated political losses and failures, that he really wanted to become president of the United States. From time to time a wall must be struck repeatedly, over a long period of...

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Are You Living Into Your Exchanged Life?

The Exchanged Life

How are you doing in your soul?  What is the condition of your spirit – the deepest part of you?  It may take a moment to access your inner state, but it is good to check-in with yourself from time-to-time.

The apostle Paul said the Kingdom of God is a matter of “Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 14:17) This is what the Life of Christ looks like in us. Jesus described His life as restful, rightly fit for us and light. (Matthew 11:28-30) Deep down within yourself, do you sense righteousness, peace, joy, rest and lightness? Or do you feel cluttered and weighed down on the inside?

At the core of the Christian life is a death and resurrection.  Jesus’ crucifixion is a payment for our sin-saturated lives and a release from sin’s strangle-hold.  His resurrection demonstrates the power of the Holy Spirit and is a picture of new, supernatural life. This inner life...

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How to be a Good Human

Click Here for the 4-Minute Video

What does it mean to be a good human?

It relates to our identity as image-bearers of God.

We were created in the image of God. Being in God's image points to our ability to connect with and commune with God.

We understand and receive our identity from being with God. In that way we need to be Human Beings - humans, being with God.

We exercise our identities in God by exercising/expressing God's will/intent/perspective in our roles and life spheres. We express our unique identities through our unique offerings to the world.

What do you have to offer the world? ... that is your unique Human doing.
To be a Good Human is to be a Human Being - with God and a Human Doing - through God's enablement and power.

At this point in your life, might God be encouraging you to grow on the Being or the Doing side?

We need both to be Good Humans!

If you'd like to go a little deeper on this, you may want to check out my 1--minute podcast on this topic. Go to: ...

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Everything is Shaking - Get Ready!

Here is a short video to help you put these days in a spiritual context - and to encourage you to get yourself in order and in a good position.


Click Here: "Everything is Shaking - Get Ready"

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Greater Formation and Power Podcast Intro


Learn to Grow and Flow in God's Ocean.

- God's Truth - Intimacy with God - Power in the Holy Spirit

* Check out my NEW Podcast, “Greater Formation and Power”

You can get it wherever you get your podcasts, or you can go to GreaterFormationandPower.com.

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- EXTRA CREDIT: Refer a friend to my Podcast


~ Coach Tom

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Prepare for the Future ... Starting Today! - Prophetic

I started 2020 with a webinar in which I stated that I thought the decade would be another "Roaring Twenties," but this one on steroids. I continue to believe we are only starting to experience some of the Chaos that will be surfacing.

However, God always steps into the Chaos - our job is to discern what He is doing and align with Him.

This teaching serves as a prophetic look and practical guide to help you prepare for this year and this decade. It is the second part of a series (the first is "Make a Healthy Turn from 2020 to 2021,") but this also serves as a powerful and helpful stand-alone message.

Check Out the Video of the Webinar!

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You Are God's Gift to You!

alignment Jun 26, 2020

You ARE God's Gift To You

It is a powerful process to discover and recount your uniqueness with God. It can be worshipful, intimate and illuminating. It helps lay a foundation for security and bold steps into your unique future!

Check Out the Video: Your Are God's Gift to You

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A Positive Mindset Overcomes Challenges


A positive mindset is required to have a productive and satisfying life. We are tempted to seek deliverance from our troubles in all the wrong places. We need, however, to be rooted and aligned in our Design, Placement and Purpose. If we are aligned, we can positively stand and move ahead into our mountain of destiny.

A 25-Minute Teaching

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