Will You Be Part of the Joyful Ascent?

I can remember it very clearly, as if it were yesterday.  I was seated in a room with nearly 500 elderly people, listening to a presentation of the significance of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. The man speaking was also drawing an elaborate picture with chalk pastels. I had heard many of the “facts” before, I had even heard some of the stories, but I had never really understood the significance of Jesus ascending into heaven.

Recently, on May 26th, was the celebration of what western church historians call Ascension Day; the celebration of Jesus being carried or taken up into heaven. (The story is recorded in the books of Mark, Luke and Acts.) I am reminded how on that evening many years ago I came to realize that when Jesus ascended into heaven, it opened the way for me to have a relationship with Him, the living God-man – and nothing has been the same ever since.

Do you believe that Jesus ascended into heaven 40 days after He was crucified and...

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Are You Living Into Your Exchanged Life?

The Exchanged Life

How are you doing in your soul?  What is the condition of your spirit – the deepest part of you?  It may take a moment to access your inner state, but it is good to check-in with yourself from time-to-time.

The apostle Paul said the Kingdom of God is a matter of “Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 14:17) This is what the Life of Christ looks like in us. Jesus described His life as restful, rightly fit for us and light. (Matthew 11:28-30) Deep down within yourself, do you sense righteousness, peace, joy, rest and lightness? Or do you feel cluttered and weighed down on the inside?

At the core of the Christian life is a death and resurrection.  Jesus’ crucifixion is a payment for our sin-saturated lives and a release from sin’s strangle-hold.  His resurrection demonstrates the power of the Holy Spirit and is a picture of new, supernatural life. This inner life...

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