How Are You As A Connector?

Some time ago, while on a walk in a park, I was noticing different kinds of connections between mothers and their toddlers as they strolled along.

Some moms had their coffee cups in hand and their child in tow. Their eyes were glazed over as if in a daze. They were with their child, but at that moment they weren’t “with” anybody.

Some were texting and checking the internet. They were somewhere else in their minds and focus.

Others were doting over their children, overloading them with words, tones, object lessons and tactile experiences. These ladies were MOMs –they were “WITH” their children.

How are you as a connector?

Are you passive and somewhat disconnected?

Are you distracted, often thinking about other things while relating to people?

Are you overborne, smothering others and making it hard for them to breathe emotionally, psychologically, intellectually or physically?

Or, are you able to simply be present with those God brings into your...

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Adventure With God

Do you like to be alone? Some have difficulty knowing what to do with themselves without others around – or without some form of input or entertainment. We know this is an increasing problem in our culture.  If this is a significant problem for you also, I have good news for you today. You don’t need to ever be completely alone!

After God created Adam, God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” (Genesis 2:18)  It seems that the image of God in human beings involves community. We were created to flourish in good and healthy relationships with others and with God, just as God enjoys community within the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).

“In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” (John 1:1-2)

“No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made Him known.”...

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Are You Holding Back?

Is there anyone who really knows you, who has experienced the big events of your life with you, who knows your feelings and perspectives? You may have a few people who have shared in some (or even most) of the significant happenings of your life, but no one has really been there with you through them all. Even the people who have been with you haven’t really seen and experienced what you have. They have seen things from their own unique perspective. They may have experienced many things with you, but not inside you. Only God knows you like that!  Every memory that you have can be shared with God. He was there, not just with you but WITH you.  He is the only One with whom you will ever really, really, really be able to share your life. He knows you inside out (literally and figuratively), and He wants to share your life with you.

So, why do we so often keep God at a distance, only sharing “our religious lives” with Him? Is it because we think that if...

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