How To Know If You Have Enough Faith

How much faith do we need to have for it to be “enough” in God’s eyes? 

What do we need to understand and believe? 

Is there a specific body of truth statements or a theological construct we must grasp and affirm?

When Jesus spoke to people He often used images, metaphors and similes.  He spoke of intensity and commitment.  He said people needed to love Him more than their parents and more than their children.  He said they needed to be willing to die for Him to be worthy of Him. (Matthew 10:37-38) 

Worthiness here is not a matter of performance or accomplishment, but of treasure and focus.  We must prize the Kingdom and focus on (prioritize) our relationship with Jesus above and beyond anything or anyone else.  Jesus used strong, direct and bold language - to make a clear, undeniable point:  The priority of Jesus and the Kingdom is everything.

The question isn’t how much faith you have, it’s about how...

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Are You Gracing and Facing Your Way?

When you have come up short, or have been "found out" about something, how do you respond?  Are you inclined to feel horrible and hopeless, or might you look to deflect attention by finding fault with someone else? Cain, the third person alive on the planet, was similarly challenged, and he did not fare well. 

Cain brought the first fruits of his crops to God as an expression of worship.  His brother, Abel, brought  fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock.  God received Abel and his offering, but He did not favorably receive Cain and his offering, and Cain became angry.  God said to Cain, “Why are you angry? … If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?  But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.”  (Genesis 4:6-7)  What a powerful message!  Unfortunately, Cain did not heed the word of the Lord, and it resulted in a...

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Do You Feel Lonely?

Loneliness is one of the worst experiences people face.  God knows this!   Referring to Adam, before Eve was created,  God says,  “It is not good for the man to be alone.” (Genesis 2:18)   Everyone experiences loneliness, and it is difficult for us all.

Consider this obscure verse that says, “The Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14)   This prophetic word was spoken to the king of Judah to convince him that the two armies coming against him in battle would not succeed.  It also has a deeper and more profound meaning for all humanity.  Matthew quoted this verse (Matthew 1:23) and declared its fulfillment in the birth of Jesus, born of the virgin Mary, but conceived by the Holy Spirit.

Theologically and practically, Jesus is best understood as fully God and fully human. He is the fulfillment of the name...

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