Stir & Spur to Greater Life

When you say, "How are you doing?" people usually give a quick (positive) answer, and the conversation moves on. If you slow things down and pursue a more thoughtful answer, you can usually expect a pause - as the person takes stock of their emotional condition and reviews their recent performance. Their status will often be expressed in terms of a treadmill week. And life goes on.

This need not be – there is more to life than a weekly treadmill. Jesus came that our lives may be abundant and full. (John 10:10) We must remember that we will be most fulfilled and alive when we are most spiritually alive. Paul reminds his younger friend Timothy to stir up (the fire of) the spiritual gifting within him. (2 Timothy 1:6) Sometimes we have to intentionally stir ourselves up to rekindle that fire. 

  • What kind of things fire you up?

  • When was the last time you were on fire?

  • This might be a good time to put yourself in a setting or two that are likely to stir you...

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No More Fear Paralysis

When was the last time you failed?  Was it huge or a small mistake, a breakdown or a collapse – or have you intentionally suppressed memories of your failure?

Most of us hate failure. Failing makes us feel ashamed.  It threatens our identity – as if our identity could be built on consistent, flawless performance.

We need to remember, however, that failure is a significant and important part of life. The only way a child will ever learn to walk is by failing thousands of times. People of great accomplishment have a long string of failures to which they can very easily point.

Winston Churchill, widely regarded as one of world’s great wartime heroes, defined success as “going from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

The best way to deal with a fear of failure is to press ahead, try some new things and fail a few times. You will find that the fear of shame associated with the fear of failure is ten times worse than the actual failure....

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