How to Deal With the Three Ugly Stepsisters: Worry, Doubt, Fear

Sometimes people believe many of the “right” things about God and have fairly solid theology, yet their lives seem none the better for it.  How can this be?  Often we have rebellious rumblings under the surface of our consciousness.  They can go undetected unless we take time to allow them to surface and intentionally address them.

Worry is one such rumbling that can rob our spiritual lives.  It is a deceptive thought/feeling.  It can make us feel like we are being responsible when we are not. Worry never helps a situation. Jesus told His disciples not to worry about their lives, clothes or food.  He asked, “Who by worrying can add one hour to their life?” (Luke 12:24)  Paul said not to worry or be anxious about anything, but instead to
bring our concerns to God. (Philippians 4:6)  Peter exhorts us to cast all our anxiety upon the Lord who cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7)

Doubt can also creep into our relationship with...

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