It’s Time to Grow Up

If you pay attention to media you’ve undoubtedly noticed that there’s a lot of instability in our cities, our country and in the nations. Some people seem to change their opinions like changing their clothes – almost daily. Others lock-in on their perspectives and try to convince everyone to agree and join them. How about you, are you a wobbler, or are you an immovable object?

In Ephesians 4, the apostle Paul helps us see how to develop and grow in healthy stability. As we learn to serve others according to God's unique enablement we all mature. (Verse 12) Those serving mature through the exercise of service – serving strengthens our inner person. Those who are served benefit from the help they receive. Serving well is a win-win for everyone.

As we mature, we become much less likely to fall for people’s schemes and scams. (verse 14) We no longer look for magic or for others to show us the easy way out. Mature people can recognize the wisdom of God, and...

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Are You Positioned to Hear From God?

What do people mean when they say they “hear God’s voice?” Can everyone hear God? Do people have the same capacity and/or ability to hear the Lord? Does the Lord “speak” more often or more clearly in some places and at some times than others?

The book of 1 Samuel notes, “In those days the word of the LORD was rare; there were not many visions.” (1 Sam. 3:1). Apparently, there are different dispensations regarding the frequency and clarity of God's communication. Approximately 3,100 years ago the people of God were not experiencing much of the revelation of God. Then Samuel was born, and God started communicating boldly through the prophets.

In the New Testament, the book of Hebrews begins, “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, and through...

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