Timing is Almost Everything

Have you ever felt like your words did more damage than good – even if what you said was correct? Or maybe you've disappointed others for not saying anything when it was hoped that you'd speak up?

It’s easy to lose in the communication game.

Sometimes we don’t know what to say, and sometimes we do; wisdom is when we know what to say, as well as when and how to say it.

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.” (Proverbs 25:11)

God’s revelation includes divine insight. God’s timing releases Kingdom power.

When you are called upon for counsel it is important to respond with more than your opinion. Your opinions don’t really matter to other people. What they need, whether they know it or not, is a word from the Lord. Such insight rarely simply drops from heaven. It requires a robust understanding of, and familiarity with, Scripture. Much of the language and truth of the Holy Spirit...

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What To Do In Times of Desperation

What do you do and where do you turn when you feel desperate?

We are desperate when we feel hopeless, when we feel like we are in an impossible situation that is too much to deal with emotionally, physically or spiritually.

Desperation is a human emotion … it’s going to happen. Unfortunately, it often functions as a logic suppressant.  It makes us stupid.  And, stupidity acts impulsively. We must be careful when we are desperate, or things could go south very quickly. These feelings can lead us to panic and to become isolated – a bad combination. Decisions made in isolation and acted upon rashly rarely turn out well.

We need not, however, follow the desperation tracks all the way to the station of utter despair.  Instead we can allow it to take us to deep places in our relationship with God. Some have even said only desperate people grow spiritually and are transformed. It’s when we come to the end of ourselves and the resources at our...

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You May Have More Authority Than You Realize

Does it ever seem to you like nothing much is really happening in your neck of the Kingdom of God? 

How long has it been since you have seen significant transformation in the lives or health of people you personally know? 

Does it feel like you are just going through the motions of faith – which quite possibly is not faith at all?

Jesus lived an expression of faith that made a difference.  He seemed to engage heaven and earth - the spiritual and relational, to great affect and effect.  Paul referred to Jesus as the second Adam because He walked in the purposes of God’s created order. 

God formed people in His own image, and intended them to rely upon His wisdom and direction, and to represent His will, in His authority, on the earth. (Genesis 1:26-28; 2:15-20)  Jesus understood this and lived accordingly, saying,

“By Myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and My...

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Three Wisdom Centers - Source Real Growth

gut head heart wisdom Feb 20, 2020

Wisdom is important.

It is the application of knowledge/understanding that comes from our Head, Heart and/or Gut. 

Here is a short (and a little shaky) video that speaks of relating to God, self and others through awareness of your Three Centers.

Let's all continue to grow in wisdom not just in age!

~ Coach Tom

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