Are You Anxious?

We have been created by God. He fashioned our personhood and our personalities. He knows what makes us tick. He not only knows how we think, He knows what we think before we do.  His presence is always around us and, if we know Him, we experience the Holy Spirit’s presence within us.  (Psalm 139)

God knows our future, and He has prepared paths, encounters, provisions and purposes for us. (Ephesians 2:10)  There is no need to worry – it adds nothing but distress to your life. (Matthew 6:25-34) There is no value is anxiety; it wars against our faith and our sense of trust in God.  Unfortunately, the enemy somehow convinces many people that worry and anxiety are forms of taking responsibility – that they demonstrate trustworthiness by being worried and obsessively concerned about what might go wrong in the future.

Let’s take a moment and let God’s salvation from faithless living sink deeply into our souls, affecting our feelings...

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