Today is the Day!

Life can and will be difficult. Challenges and hardships that will seem to be beyond your capacity to process, or even endure, are coming your way. This is not a negative fortune or word of prophecy; it is simply a reality of life in this world for everyone - Christians included.
If tough times come - and they will - what will you do, and what will be your focus? You don't have to wait till they fall upon you to develop your approach. As a matter of fact, now is the best time to chart your general course for when the "bad" times hit.
In John 16:32-3, we see one of Jesus's last conversations with His disciples before He was arrested and crucified. He was giving them crucial preparation for facing times of confusion and hardship. He said, "A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." 
Jesus spoke to His disciples to give them peace and to help them take heart, yet He was describing a season of desertion and abandonment. Jesus made it clear that though He looked all alone, He would not in fact be alone; His Father would be with Him. This is a key point that Jesus wanted them to understand and live - the presence of the Father is everything!
The presence of the Father gives us access to peace amidst every challenge. What challenges on earth are overwhelming to God?  What challenges are a surprise to Him or too much for Him? The God of the universe not only oversees your life, but also resides within your person. In light of this reality of presence, intimacy, comfort and revelation, how formidable are your trials?  You are not alone; God is with you. He who led Jesus to overcome is dwelling within you.
Today is the day to resolve to cultivate and increase the intimacy of your communion with the Father.  Today is the day to remind yourself that your peace is not contingent on your circumstances, but His presence. "Above all else, guard your heart (and your intimacy with the Father), for everything you do flows from it." (Proverbs 4:23)  
Don't wait for the hardships to come to seek intimacy with Father - carve time with Him now one can do that for you. 
When the extreme challenges come, don't obsess over your circumstances; enthrone the triune God in your heart and intentionally delight in Him.  He will lead and guide you in due time.

~ Coach Tom


P.S. ... If you are stalled in life, or particularly if you are in transition, here are three ways I can help you Get Clear, Get Focused and Be Fruitful! 

1. Grab a Free Copy of my "4 Key Steps to Clarity and Fruitfulness" Document.  It's a Blueprint to help you move ahead.  Click Here 

2. Join my FaceBook Group, "Greater Focus and Fruitfulness" for more teaching, training and community. Click Here

3. Work with me:
I can help you Clarify, Plan, and take Bold Steps into Your Future. Book a Free 45-Minute Strategy Session with me: Click Here  



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