When God’s Promise is Too Big

Uncategorized Dec 11, 2018

Have you ever received a thought, image or a “word” from the Lord that was bigger than you could handle?  Maybe it was an idea regarding what He wanted to do in your life, or what He might want to do through you, in your family, work or future.  The impression may have been accompanied by excitement and a sense of faith, but soon it became too much to believe.  Possibly it would require more on God’s part than you had faith to believe, or maybe it demanded more from you than you thought you could give.

Zechariah was doing “temple duty” as a priest when an angel appeared to him.  This was not just any angel, this was Gabriel who appeared to Daniel in the Old Testament (Daniel 8:15) and who stood in the presence of God.  He was sent from God to speak great things to Zechariah concerning a child that would be born to him and Elizabeth - though they were now “very old.” (Luke 1)

This promise was more than Zechariah could receive.  He needed some proof.

He received proof, but probably not what he expected or wanted.  He was struck silent for more than nine months.  He could not speak at all.  Can you imagine what that would feel like if it happened to you?  I would guess he replayed that encounter with Gabriel a thousand times – every word and every detail.  He mulled it over, and it produced great hope and faith within him.

Eventually, when John the Baptist was born and Zechariah “wrote” his name, Zechariah’s ability to speak was restored.  He was full of prophetic faith and he prophesied – in alignment with what Gabriel had spoken to him.  John would be greater than any prophet that preceded him because he would make way for the coming Anointed One, the Liberating King Jesus!

Sometimes we long and ache for God to do particular things that He places in our hearts.  Our faith, however, may start to diminish over time. Then, when God’s timing comes we feel unable to enter into what God is about to do.  This is why Jesus told the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18 … to show us that we should always pray and not give up. We must pray and we need to do what we can to spur each other’s faith – so we can receive and walk in the things God has for us.  Are you doing what you need to do to stir your own faith and the faith of those who are walking near you?

A day is coming, I think it might be here now, when the spirit of Elijah (and John the Baptist) will be at hand in a fresh way, and young people who are outside the camp of faith will light up in faith and be reconciled to God and their households – like never before.  Can you sense it? Might this be part of what God wants you to believe for in our day?


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