Are You Grasping or Aligning?

Sometimes it may feels like we are not getting anywhere.  We may be working hard, being faithful and even bearing more weight than those around us. Yet, maybe few seem to notice our work, our abilities or our investment. At times like this, we start to wonder about the future – whether we will ever be seen or heard for who we really are. We may ask what we need to do to get noticed, appreciated and/or rewarded.

Strangely, we find James and John – two of Jesus’s closest followers – in a similar situation (Mark 10:35-45).  They, quite possibly with the input/influence of their mother (Matthew 20:20-28), decided they wanted to take their future into their own hands. They flat out asked Jesus to secure places of prominence for them in His Coming Kingdom. This seemed like a brazen request to the other disciples, though one that may have been in their hearts, too.

Jesus’s response included an interesting idea. He said that these places of prominence “belong to those for whom they have been prepared.”  This points to a theological truth with which some have difficulty. God has specific plans and preparations for people. When He said He knew the plans He had for Israel (Jeremiah 29:11), He meant it.  The prophecies in Scripture are simply a foretelling of the plans God had/has to unfold in the future. God’s “foreknowledge” is perfect and accurate. Thus the apostle Paul can write, “We are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10)

We need not worry about our future - or anything at all for that matter. (Matthew 6:25; Philippians 4:6)
God has good plans for us. Ours is not to try to create our futures or claw our way into them.  Instead, we are to discover and discern what God is doing and planning – and simply align our lives and cooperate. This removes the often-accumulating weight of worry from our shoulders. It can release us from needless striving.

If you are working hard, but not being recognized, or if you wonder if you will ever amount to much, remember that your heavenly Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.  He has prepared some assignments for you – for which you are a perfect fit. Don’t get caught in the politics and competition for position. Focus on following His lead. Be bold to obey faithfully.  He will take you where you need to go and help you become who you need to be.

~ Coach Tom


P.S. ... If you are stalled in life, or particularly if you are in transition, here are three ways I can help you Get Clear, Get Focused and Be Fruitful! 

1. Grab a Free Copy of my "4 Key Steps to Clarity and Fruitfulness" Document.  It's a Blueprint to help you move ahead.  Click Here 

2. Join my FaceBook Group, "Greater Focus and Fruitfulness" for more teaching, training and community. Click Here

3. Work with me:
I can help you Clarify, Plan, and take Bold Steps into Your Future. Book a Free 45-Minute Strategy Session with me: Click Here  


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